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Infographics Blogs E-commerce & Web Stores

The Ultimate eCommerce Compendium

Want to know what fuels the eCommerce ecosystem? How online shoppers behave and what they expect from web stores and marketplaces? Then check out this cool infographic

Over the last decade and a half, eCommerce has grown phenomenally and is continuing to bolster its might in every major economy in the world be it an Online Marketplace or a Multi Vendor Marketplace. Although the technology and the cultural trend itself were born in the United States and Europe, the market is no longer limited to those geographies and economies. Rather, eCommerce has made a greater name for itself in developing countries like China and the rest of South Asia and Asia-Pacific. Thus, the true power of eCommerce lies in its ability to reach a much larger, diverse customer base distributed geographically, not just in one country, but across the globe.

The global e-commerce market has seen exponential growth, surpassing $6 trillion by 2023. This surge is fueled by advancements in technology, increased internet penetration, and shifting consumer preferences towards online shopping. Want to know what fuels the eCommerce ecosystem? How online shoppers behave and what they expect from web stores and marketplaces?

Key Trends Shaping E-Commerce in 2024

  1. Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce): Smartphones are everywhere, and people love using them to shop. As a result, mobile shopping now makes up a big chunk of online sales. Businesses ensure their websites and apps work perfectly on mobile devices to capture this growing trend.
  2. Social Commerce: Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are becoming shopping hotspots. People can now discover and buy products directly from these apps, making online shopping more social and convenient.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Personalization: AI is changing the game in e-commerce. It helps businesses understand what customers want by offering personalized recommendations, using chatbots for quick customer service, and predicting inventory needs to ensure popular items are always in stock.
  4. Sustainability and Ethical Shopping: Shoppers nowadays are looking for sustainable and ethical products. E-commerce businesses are responding by adopting eco-friendly practices and making their supply chains more transparent to meet these expectations.

Then check out this cool infographic from our partners at Sorcerers.

Consumer Behavior Insights in 2024

Today’s online shoppers expect fast, reliable, and flexible delivery options, easy return policies, and a seamless omnichannel experience. They value convenience, personalization, and the ability to shop from any device at any time.


E-commerce continues to break boundaries, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses to reach a global audience. By staying abreast of the latest trends and understanding consumer expectations, businesses can thrive in this dynamic market.

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